Definition of mushroom, scope of mushroom , important of mushroom farming and present scenario of Mushroom Farming.


Mushroom are the members or plant kingdom which are edible fungi belonging to class Hymenomycetes. They are achlorophyllous (without chlorophyll) and depend on organic matter decay and living plants for their nutrition. They degrade cellulose, Hemi-cellulose and lignin and produce edible fruiting bodies characteristics of aeroma and flavor.

Importance of mushroom.

1) mushroom are rich in most of the essential amino acid they contain high amount of lysine and tryptophan which are generally, in low amount in cereals.

2) mushroom contains high amount of protein ie up to 40%

3) mushroom have palatable flavour together with good textured for various cooking purpose.

4) In country where traditional protein of both animal and plant origin are not available in adequate

amount of mushroom can supply the requirement of protein in Diet.

5) Economic value of Mushroom is also very high. It has significantly higher amount of economic return.

scope prospects of mushroom

 It's cultivation is simple and it can be grown within a temperature range of 18-30°c. 

2) mushroom are one of the primary source of Income for poor but rich are also engaging in it as  subsistance.

3) mushroom cultivation will open new opportunity to earn additional income for a large number of

business people.

4 The greatest advantage is that mushroom cultivation doesn't require large.

5 mushroom based Fast food snacks are the most profitable business now days.

6) Residues from mushroom cultivation can be used again as a manure in vegetable farming and as

a feed in fish farming.

7) The raw materials (substrate) are easily available for Eg÷  paddy, straw, maize stock sugarcane

residue Elephant dung etc.

Mushroom are generally saprophytic but some are parasitic fruit. Due to the lack of chlorophyll, they are unable to synthesis their own food and lead For heterotrophic mode of Nutrition.

 Context of current scenario of mushroom farming. 

Farming of mushroom is one of the most profitable agri-business. mushroom cultivation in Nepal is growing gradually as side income for many farmer. large number of Farmers started  mushroom cultivation during winter, under the guidance or specialists of krishi Gyan kendra and scientists of National Agriculture Research council (NARC). In Nepal, mushroom farming is mostly concentrated in the rural areas around major urban centres such as the Kathmandu Valley, Pokhara, Butwal , Dharan , Dang  and  farmers in village of Palpa , Tanahu, kapilvastu, Gulmi, Bara, parsa  have undertaken cultivation of mushroom. 

       Since mushroom have a very short life, it should reach to consumers within a short time or immediately canned. In Nepal over production and improper care for marketing have resulted in the increase in price. The cost of production in Nepal at present is comparatively higher than other countries so they cannot compete in international market .The yield obtained is quite low due to improper infrastructure or preparation of pasteurized compost. Some of the related problem in mushroom cultivation that are holding for mushroom farming development are

•Use of ordinary buildings lacking proper temperature control as cropping rooms.

• use of low yielding strains

•Inadequate supply of quality spawn

• lack of trained manpower

•Inadequate supply of quality spawn .

• Lack of Research on mushroom

• lack of Technology in mushroom cultivation.

• Mushroom is highly susceptible to different  disease like Brown Bacterial Blotch, Green Mould, Truffle ,Dry bubble disease. so, proper supervision is necessary.

• Uncontrolled price structure of mushroom

• lack of common facility for pre-cooling and storage.

• High transportation cost.

• lack of transportation facilities.

• Boring system of obtaining loans and finances.

• No clear cut government policy on mushroom farming.

• lack of subsidy to farmers. 

     Hence these are the current scenario of mushroom in most of the country so proper care should be taken from Government side as well as Farmer to overall production management and Mushroom Farming development.

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