Signification of cooperation to Agriculture
Generally speaking, cooperation means living, thinking and working together. In it's technical sense, it denotes a special method of doing business. In its former sense, cooperation existed even before the existence.
As per the latest figures more than 75% of Indian population lives in rural areas ,majority of which depends on agriculture For it's Livelihood. However the economic status of a large majority of our farming Community is not financially sound to more better Investment in agriculture. The Farmer required credit which drags him to exploitation of money leaders who charge exorbitant rate of interest. The adoption of principle of 'cooperation' is the only solution for the progress of farmers as well as Agriculture and elimination of rural Indebtedness in the country.
Cooperation was introduced in India in the beginning of twentieth centuries Primary for the supply of credit to agriculture. The basic objective of the cooperative movement in India was to eradicate local money lenders who usually exploit the farmers by charging unreasonable rate of interest.
-Agriculture credit Society societies were established with the promulgation of cooperative credit societies Act 1904.
-In the beginning only small societies covering generally one each Village were considered to be most suitable for Indian conditions.
-But soon it was felt than on account of small business and limited funds these societies could not effectively serve needs of members.
-The cooperative structure has thus suitably been expanded to strengthen the facility of Credit in the form of large societies and cooperative banking especially through supply of inputs like seed, Fertilizer, weedicides, pesticides.
A substantial proportion of formers' credit needs are now met by cooperative Societies. The Co-operative societies have led to the use or better Farming methods such as the use of improved seed, fertilizer.
- The marketing and processing societies have helped members to buy their requirements cheaply and sell their agriculture produce at acceptable price.
- Provide good storage facilities to the Farmers to wait for appropriate time for higher prices.
cooperative have very well served in the past and have great relevance to extend support to agricultural production in terms of provision of credit ,input delivery and processing and marketing of agricultural produce to ensure adequate returns to farmers.
# Decision making process in agriculture
Decision making is the process of choosing one alternative from among the set of alternative many times, every day managers have to take decision for goodness of organization. Better decision lend agribusiness organizations to the right path But the main problem is how to take decision, which we have to know.
1)knowing the need for decision
It is the 1st step of decision process. It tells if we need to make decisions something or not for Eg ÷ Rice after harvesting we should decide that threshing of Rice is to be done.
2) Generating Alternatives
The Second step is generates or searches the alternatives to solve the problem Eg÷ after knowing we needs to thresh the Rice .Manager should search for alternatives like beating by stick, treading by oxen or using threshing.
3) Evaluating Alternatives
After generating the alternative the manager should evaluate the every alternatives available. He should evaluate whether the alternative are beneficial or satisfactory or not. He should study about the positive or negative expects of alternatives.
4)choosing the best alternatives
The manager should choose the best alternative among various alternative.
5) Implement the alternatives.
After choosing the best alternatives the manager should make their alternative into action or work.
6) Evaluating the result. / Feedback
In this step the manager should evaluate the performance of the selected alternative. He should study whether the alternative has meet his need or not.