It can be Too Risky to consume pomegranate.
Pomegranate is a Fruit which can be seen in every Fruit or juice shop from Himalayan to lower Terai Region. Pomegranate is used for table purpose . It have a high acidic in nature and as we know that it has a quite Economic as well as Health importance like improve memory, lower Blood Pressure, Hydrate skin (Beauty fruit), Enhance Hair Growth , Fight cancer etc .
As we know that everything thing has Advantages as well as Disadvantages. We should match the chemistry of fruit with your health condition. So those people, Who should take care while consuming are let discussed below
Asthma patient
Asthma Patient should not eat pomegranate as asthma will increase so Doctors do not advised patient to consume pomegranate with Asthma.
Medicine Takers
If you are taking BP or cholesterol lowering medicine, do not eat pomegranate. Pomegranate medicine does not work.
Pomegranate is high in fiber, which increases constipation and flatulence. So you should not eat pomegranate.
People living with liver problems.
The enzymes found in pomegranate affect the enzymes in the liver, so people with liver problems should not eat pomegranate.
Diabetic patients.
Since eating pomegranate increases the amount of sugar level in the body, diabetics patients should not consume pomegranate.
low blood pressure
Person with low blood pressure should not consume pomegranate. As we know that pomegranate contain high amount of antioxidants due to the antioxidants people with low blood pressure should not eat pomegranate.
loose weight
Did you wants to lose weight or want to make slim body? If you want to lose weight, don't eat pomegranate because it contain high amount of calories, Instead of losing weight pomegranates start gaining weight so be careful for Dieter.