English Name ÷ PeaBotanical Name ÷ pisum sativum
Family ÷ Fabaceae
chromosome No ÷ 2n=14
• Introduction
pea is a diploid with 2n = 14. Field pea with colored flowers belong to psium arvense and the garden pea with white flower belongs to psium sativum . pea is a herbaceous annual plant with tap rootsystem. stem is upright , slender and usually single. Leaves are pinnately compound with the rachis terminating in a single or branched tendril. There are large stipules at base of leaf. Inflorescence is a raceme arising from the Axils of leaves and individual Flower are typical Papilionaceous. Pods a
straight or curved and seeds are smooth wrinkled.
Vavilov (1926) listed different centers of origin of pea. Area comprising central Asia, the Near East, Abyssinia and the Mediterranean is the centers of origin based on genetically diversity. cultivated
garden pea is not seen in wild state and it might have been originated from wild field pea or other related species.
pea (pisum sativum) the famous plant in which G.H Mendel worked out Mendel laws and genetic principles, is a noble and aristocratic vegetable. The crop is cultivated for it's tender and immature
pods for use as vegetable and mature dry pods for use as a pulse.
pea is typically a cool season crops and thrives well in cool weather optimum temperature for seed germination is 22°c. Even though seeds germinate at 5°c, speed of germination is less. At higher temperature decay of seedlings is more Early stage of crop is tolerant to frost, But flowering
and fruit development is adversely affected by Frost. optimum mean temperature for growth of plant is 10-18.3°c. As the temperature increase the maturity is hastened and yield is reduced. Quality of pods produced is also low at high temperature due to conversion of sugar to hemicellulose and starch.
- soil
Crop prefers well drained loose and friable loamy soil for early crop and clayey soil for high yield. Ideal pH is 6.0- 7.5 and it grows under alkaline soil. If soil is acidic than liming is recommended.
Varieties :
Arka Ajit, Arkel, Bonneville Lincoln, Punjab 88, Harbhajan, pm 2, pant uphar, pant sabji, Hisar Harit, VL matar 3, Jawahar peas 83, VRP 2 etc.-Land preparation
prepare a level field for even distribution of irrigation Water, free from stubbles and crop residues of previous crop by one deep ploughing through disc or Mould board plough followed by 2-3 harrowing
and planking after each operation. To ensure good drainage and aeration in the field, powdery seedbeds must be avoided.
-manure and Fertilizers
Generally legume crops require low nitrogen and high phosphorous for nutrition. Application of 12-15 ton per hector manure along with 15-30:50:60 Kg NPK per hector is used as applied during basalpreparation. No side dressing is done for almost all legume crops but the application of phosphorus and Molybdenum enhance the nodulation.
-sowing Time
In plains of North, India, pea is sown from beginning of October to middle of November. Yield is drastically reduced when crop is sown after 4th December (chaubey 1977). crop sown in September will be Susceptible to wilt disease .In hills peas is sown in march for summer crop and in may for autumn crop.
-Sowing method and seed Rate
prepared to a fine filth disc ploughing followed by one or two harrowing, seeds are sown in flat or raised beds by broadcasting or by dibbling at 2.5-5.0 cm depth. Early Varieties are sown at a closer spacing of 30*5-10 cm and the seed rates is 100- 120 kg/ha.
Mid season and late varieties are sown at wider spacing of 45x10cm late varieties are sown on either edge of raised beds which are 120-150cm wide with furrows in between. seed rate for late varieties is 80-90 kg/ha. overnight soaking of seeds in water or GA3(10 ppm) improves germination.
-Irrigation and water management
pea, like any legume vegetable is sensitive to drought and excessive irrigation .Excessive Irrigation
Immediately after sowing result in poor germination due to hard crust formation. light irrigation 10-15 days interval is given for pea.
• weeds and it's management
The field pea crop should be free from weeds for the period up to 40-50 days after sowing for that two hand weeding at three and six weeks after germination. For chemical weeds control application of pendimenthalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i pre hectare as pre-emergence and for post emergence apply metribuzin 70% wp @ 0.25kg a.i / ha at 15-20 day after sowing in 400-600 liter of water.-Insect-pest and their management
1) pea stem fly
The maggot of the Insect damage the internal tissue consequently their entire plant dies. The damage is more acute when crop is sown early:control measures
1liter of Oxydemeton methyl (Metasystox) 25 Ec in 1000 liter of water per hectare are when attack begins and repeat at 15 days interval.
2) leaf minor
larva of the insect makes tunnel in the leaf causing severe damage. The damage is more during the month of Dec to march.
control measure
Mix 30 kg/ha Carbofuron (furadon) 3% granules or 10 kg)ha phorate (Thimet) 10% granules in the soil before sowing the crop. Avoid early planting.
3) pea Aphids
They suck the sap of the cells, owing to which the leaves turn pale and yellow
spray 1.25 liter of Dimethoate 30 EC or oxydemeton methyl (metasystox) 25 EC in
1000 liter of water per hectare. Repeat the spray after 10-20 days
4) Rust :
It is caused by fungus .The stem of the plant becomes malformation and the affected plant dies out . All the green plant parts are affected
After harvest the affected plants trash should be burnt and spray the crop with Mancozeb 75 wp @ 2g/ liter of water.
5) Wilt
6) powdery mildew
• Harvesting
Field peas should be harvested when they are fully ripe and threshed after sufficient drying in the sun.• Yield
when the improved package of practices, field peas can produce 20-25 quintals
or grain and straw per hectare at Irrigated and 10-15 quintals grains per ha at Rain fed area .
• Storage
The clean seed should be sun dried for 3-4 days to reduce their moisture content up to 9-10% to be a safely stored in appropriate bins, where the rodents cannot be reach their and prevent from the insect, that they can reach in the bins.